School Types in USA:
Religious (private) - typically are funded through a combination of tuition and fees, fundraising campaigns and money from a larger religious body. They are owned by nonprofit entities and controlled by boards mostly made up of people whose religious affiliations match the schools.
Magnet (public) - typically have a special curriculum or teaching method. They draw from cross-section of a city or town rather than specific neighborhoods.
Home schooling - means teaching your child at home, either alone or in conjunction with other home-schooling parents. You own, you control, and in most areas, you pay for materials and equipment.
Public - typically are funded mainly through a combination of local, state, and federal funding, "owned" by the public, and controlled by the local board of education.
Private - are funded mainly through a combination of tuition and fees charged to parents and fundraising campaigns, owned by non-profit organizations (although not always), and controlled by boards of alumni, parents, staff and interested citizens.
Charter - are also public and in most states are funded with a combination of local, state, and federal money, but they are "owned" and controlled by independent groups of citizens. They can lose their public funding if they do not meet performance goals.
Special programs within schools - more and more schools run special programs for a subset of students, such as foreign language and International Baccalaureate programs.
School Design:
Accelerated Schools (K-8) - provide students with enriched instruction based on entire school community's vision of learning. (gifted children)
The Coalition of Essential Schools (K-12) - students and teachers should be active partners in creating meaningful learning.
Core Knowledge (K-8) - focus on teaching a common core of concepts, vocabulary, skills, and knowledge.
Direct Instruction (K-8) - aims to improve achievement significantly over current levels by using highly prescribed curriculum and instruction.
Edison Schools, Inc. (K-12) - for profit educational management company that operates public schools nationwide using research-based school design.
International Baccalaureate (Pre K-12) - develop whole child, including cultural capabilities, through study of prescribed international curriculum promoting thinking and transdisciplinary skills.
Montessori (Pre K-8) - develop culturally literate children by nurturing their intelligence, independence, curiosity, and creativity.
Multiple Intelligence (Pre K-12) - design instruction so that it supports student's natural abilities and talents in order to access a broad range of human potential.
Paideia (K-12) - foster more active learning and better use of teacher and student time.
School Development Program (K-12) - meet the needs of urban students by improving educators' understanding of child development and fostering healthy relations with families.
Success for All (Pre K-8) - structured research-based reading program designed to teach all children to read well in the early elementary years.
Waldorf (Pre K-12) - children learn best through experience that awaken multiple senses and focus on capabilities.
Religious (private) - typically are funded through a combination of tuition and fees, fundraising campaigns and money from a larger religious body. They are owned by nonprofit entities and controlled by boards mostly made up of people whose religious affiliations match the schools.
Magnet (public) - typically have a special curriculum or teaching method. They draw from cross-section of a city or town rather than specific neighborhoods.
Home schooling - means teaching your child at home, either alone or in conjunction with other home-schooling parents. You own, you control, and in most areas, you pay for materials and equipment.
Public - typically are funded mainly through a combination of local, state, and federal funding, "owned" by the public, and controlled by the local board of education.
Private - are funded mainly through a combination of tuition and fees charged to parents and fundraising campaigns, owned by non-profit organizations (although not always), and controlled by boards of alumni, parents, staff and interested citizens.
Charter - are also public and in most states are funded with a combination of local, state, and federal money, but they are "owned" and controlled by independent groups of citizens. They can lose their public funding if they do not meet performance goals.
Special programs within schools - more and more schools run special programs for a subset of students, such as foreign language and International Baccalaureate programs.
School Design:
Accelerated Schools (K-8) - provide students with enriched instruction based on entire school community's vision of learning. (gifted children)
The Coalition of Essential Schools (K-12) - students and teachers should be active partners in creating meaningful learning.
Core Knowledge (K-8) - focus on teaching a common core of concepts, vocabulary, skills, and knowledge.
Direct Instruction (K-8) - aims to improve achievement significantly over current levels by using highly prescribed curriculum and instruction.
Edison Schools, Inc. (K-12) - for profit educational management company that operates public schools nationwide using research-based school design.
International Baccalaureate (Pre K-12) - develop whole child, including cultural capabilities, through study of prescribed international curriculum promoting thinking and transdisciplinary skills.
Montessori (Pre K-8) - develop culturally literate children by nurturing their intelligence, independence, curiosity, and creativity.
Multiple Intelligence (Pre K-12) - design instruction so that it supports student's natural abilities and talents in order to access a broad range of human potential.
Paideia (K-12) - foster more active learning and better use of teacher and student time.
School Development Program (K-12) - meet the needs of urban students by improving educators' understanding of child development and fostering healthy relations with families.
Success for All (Pre K-8) - structured research-based reading program designed to teach all children to read well in the early elementary years.
Waldorf (Pre K-12) - children learn best through experience that awaken multiple senses and focus on capabilities.
2004 Armchair Press, LLC
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